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The Traditional Architecture Group, linked to the Royal Institute of British Architects, was founded in 2003 in response to the growing number of architectural practices and architects in Britain that were building traditional buildings. It was clear that the cause of traditional architecture could be well served by forming a group with the expressed aim of promoting traditional architecture both within the profession and within the wider community. The TAG Constitution states:

“The aims of the society are to celebrate the highest achievements of the past as a living source for modern inspiration. The group seeks to work within architectural, planning and educational disciplines to promote the values of a traditional approach in architecture and design. The group will provide mutual support, a meeting point and a venue for the exchange of ideas for those individuals interesting in or practicing contemporary traditional architecture. Additionally, we also aim to support the diversity of individuals and correlated trades dedicated to supporting the knowledge of craft and design values associated with traditional architecture.”

As an existing organisation that is naturally aligned with INTBAU’s mission and vision, TAG became host to the national Chapter of INTBAU in the UK in 2023.


TAG Officers

Chairman: Mark Wilson Jones

Membership Secretary: Jan Hauger

Treasurer: Nigel Anderson

Communication Secretary: Edward Gillibrand

Events Coordinator and INTBAU TAG Liaison Officer: Georgia Cristea