25 Jul, 2017 Rafael Manzano Summer School 2017: Student Blog Student Jason Fajardo writes about his time on this year’s programme in Navarre, Spain.
25 Jan, 2017 Restoration, Recording and Documentation of Earthen Architectural Heritage in Southern Morocco Workshop taking place 4-12 April 2017
5 Dec, 2016 Seville Summer School 2016 A report from this years Seville Summer School that took place 18 June to 2 July
28 Nov, 2016 Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition Open to Submissions Jurors have selected three locations for design proposals, choosing between 44 submissions from municipalities all over Spain.
3 Nov, 2016 Iranian Architects and Architecture: Transition from Traditional to Postmodern Conference: Saturday 12 November 9.15am – 5.00pm, London
24 Aug, 2016 Havana International Charrette and International Study Tour 13-18 November 2016. Cuba – Learning through its past to develop its future
20 Jul, 2016 Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition in Spain An International competition created to promote an architecture and urbanism practice committed to preserving and giving continuity to local traditions in Spain
3 May, 2016 1st Iberian INTBAU Meeting: Urban Traditions Report back from the first Iberian INTBAU meeting that took place in Portugal 7,8 & 9 April 2016
26 Apr, 2016 Seville Traditional Architecture and Urbanism Summer School 2016 Your chance to study the local urban and architectural traditions of Seville, including workshops, study tours and lectures
12 Apr, 2016 The Art of Architecture: Hand Drawing and Design A conference exploring the role of hand drawing in architectural history, education, and practice.