12 Apr, 2018 Remember, Rebel, Repeat: cycles of continuity and change in London’s urban identity An INTBAU exhibition and debate as part of the London Festival of Architecture
9 Apr, 2018 Marvão Traditional Architecture Summer School 2018 Taking place 16-29 July 2018 in Portugal
5 Apr, 2018 2018 Travel Scholarship for Architecture Students INTBAU is launching a biennial travel scholarship
15 Mar, 2018 The ICAA, The Prince’s Foundation, and INTBAU Announce the Winner of the 2018 Award for Emerging Excellence in the Classical Tradition Designer Cailin Shannon has been named the winner of the Award for Emerging Excellence in the Classical Tradition.
14 Mar, 2018 New Traditional Building Crafts People Directory in Spain Red Nacional de Maestros de la Construcción Tradicional: National Network of Traditional Building Masters
8 Feb, 2018 Restoration, Recording and Documentation of Earthen Architectural Heritage Oasis of M’hamid, Southern Morocco; 19-27 March 2018
30 Jan, 2018 Building Beauty: Ecologic Design and Construction Process Pre-Registration for 2018-19 school year is now open
18 Jan, 2018 Richard H. Driehaus 2018 Prize Winners Announced Marc Breitman and Nada Breitman-Jakov named 2018 Richard H. Driehaus Prize laureates