16 Jun, 2017 Driehaus Architecture Competition and Building Arts Awards Ceremony Awards ceremony takes place in Madrid, 14 June 2017
15 May, 2017 Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition Winners Announced The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition is an international competition created to help preserve and revive the use of local architectural traditions in Spain.
2 May, 2017 Heritage, Place, Design: Putting Tradition into Practice INTBAU Annual Event taking place in Milan, Italy: 5-6 July 2017
28 Apr, 2017 Council for European Urbanism (CEU) Symposium and Annual Meeting “The Implementation of the New Urban Agenda: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”
19 Apr, 2017 The ICAA, INTBAU and PFBC announce the winner of the 2017 Award for Emerging Excellence in the Classical Tradition Sculptor Emily Bedard has been named the winner of the first ever Award for Emerging Excellence in the Classical Tradition.
17 Mar, 2017 The Stones of Vicenza: Study Tour The classical tradition in design and drawing Vicenza, Italy 7-10 July 2017
9 Mar, 2017 Postgraduate Master Degree: Construction and Technology of Historical Buildings (MUCTEH) Registration process is now open for 2017-18
28 Feb, 2017 The Award for Emerging Excellence in the Classical Tradition INTBAU and partners launch new award for emerging excellence in the classical tradition
10 Feb, 2017 Engelsberg Summer School in Classical Architecture The 2017 Summer School takes place in July in Engelsberg, Sweden.
7 Feb, 2017 Richard H. Driehaus Building Arts Awards Thanks to the generosity of US philanthropist Richard H. Driehaus the work of construction artisans will be recognised