Join us on 17 August for student presentations showcasing their final projects, followed by an evening of music, culinary delights, and an extensive exhibition of work from students across the various INTBAU summer schools this year.
In keeping with tradition, the 2024 Bruges Summer School of Architecture & Crafts will conclude with its iconic Great Estival Celebration. This year, the city of Bruges is generously opening the doors of its historic beguinage to welcome our students, members, INTBAU chapters, and friends from the broader network.
The central Secretariat of INTBAU is delighted to support this event and extend the invitation to our global audience, celebrating the remarkable efforts of our Belgium chapter in nurturing the next generation of traditional practitioners.
This event is open to INTBAU alumni, members, and anyone passionate about traditional architecture and crafts. Don’t miss out—registrations close on 15 July 2024.

Programme & Registration:

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General Membership is FREE and is the easiest way to join our network of over 9,000 members worldwide and to get involved in our international programmes. Become a General Member at: General Membership | INTBAU
Professional Membership: The INTBAU College of Traditional Practitioners is a peak international professional body for practitioners in traditional urban design, architecture, and the building arts. Learn more at: Professional Membership | INTBAU.