The Francis and Kathleen Rooney Dean of the School of Architecture, Dean Lykoudis has served as professor of architecture at Notre Dame since 1991. A national and international leader in linking architectural tradition and classicism to urbanism and environmental issues, he has devoted his career to the building, study and promotion of traditional architecture and urbanism. His activities feature the organization of several major conferences that have been collaborations between Notre Dame and other organizations including the Classical Architecture League and the Institute of Classical Architecture & Classical America, A Vision of Europe and the Congress for New Urbanism. The conference and exhibition entitled “The Art of Building Cities,” took place in 1995 at the Art Institute of Chicago and was the first event in this country to specifically link the practice of contemporary classicism with the new traditional urbanism. An exhibition and conference titled “The Other Modern,” took place in Bologna, Italy in 2000, and a conference titled “Three Generations of Classical Architects: The Renewal of Modern Architecture” was held in October 2005 at Notre Dame. Dean Lykoudis is the co-editor of two publications, “Building Cities,” and “The Other Modern” exhibition catalogue.
Dean Lykoudis has served the School in a number of capacities first as the Director of Undergraduate Studies then as Associate Chair and Chair prior to becoming Dean. As Director of Undergraduate studies for over 10 years he was the principal organizer of the new classical and urban curriculum, and Dean Lykoudis established several new initiatives within the School of Architecture. In association with the South Bend Downtown Partnership, he contributed to the formation of the South Bend Downtown Design Center, a program that gives Notre Dame students hands-on experience with urban and architectural design projects in realistic settings while also contributing to the community. He initiated the renewal of the School’s graduate program with the objective of doubling its enrolment, increasing its offerings and developing its focus on classical architecture and urbanism. He has lectured at universities around the country and abroad as well as to professional and civic organizations.
Dean Lykoudis developed the Richard H. Driehaus Prize at the University of Notre Dame which is the largest architectural prize in the world that is given annually. He also chairs the Manzano Prize, in Madrid. Both prizes are dedicated to traditional urbanism and architecture. He is a member of: the Congress for New Urbanism (CNU), International Network for Traditional Building Arts and Urbanism (INTBAU) and The American Institute of Architects. Dean Lykoudis serves on the advisory boards of the Institute of Classical Architecture and Art (ICAA), Institute of Form Based Codes and on the Committee of Honour for INTBAU which serves as an advisory board.
A graduate of Cornell University, Dean Lykoudis earned his Master’s degree from the University of Illinois’ joint business administration and architecture program. Prior to joining the Notre Dame faculty, he worked as a project designer and architect for firms in Florida, Greece, Connecticut and New York. He has directed his own practice since 1983 in Athens, and Stamford, Conn. and now in South Bend, Ind.
Michael Lykoudis
School of Architecture
110 Bond Hall Notre Dame, IN 46556
Phone: 574-631-6137